Monday, August 16, 2010


So I've decided to cut down my posts to more mini posts than lengthy leviathan things. Alot has happened since my last post so I will sum up that time period with easy to understand bullet points:

• My dog and best friend of 7 years died abruptly of cancer

• I got strep throat

• I got pink eye two days later

• I took a surprise trip to Yachats, Oregon for 2 days

• I took a trip to Port Angeles, WA and Victoria, BC for a week

• I sold 6 items while on vacation mostly from being in treasuries on the front page

• I was wrongly accused of having a non-vintage item in my shop by KellyStreetVintage because she feels the need to be a vigilante, and so was quite rudely kicked out of Team Treasury without warning because of it.

• I was going to move into a new house my mom bought but couldn't as the house had mold and the sale didn't go through

• We were then going to move into a rental today but did not as you can't have dogs or let the furniture touch the ground

There is my life in the past few weeks summed up. I also started play Wow again but that is embarrassing so I will not make a show of it.

On my trip to the Oregon coast, and later Port Angeles, I picked up a bunch of 80s hair clips that are super cute, and that I think are going to be very popular this summer!


1 comment:

  1. how did I miss all these wonderful posts... my multi talented girl!
